9th October 2021 AWA Sportsman Class F3F Competition
1st - Paul Marshall - 2965.66
2nd - Stuart Hamilton - 2965.59
3rd - Simon Watts - 2830.05
4th - Mark Jensen - 2782.47
5th - Rob Park - 2745.18
6th - Brett Moffatt - 2734.77
7th - Glenn Twaddle - 2505.48
13/6/2021 Old Timers Duration at Beverley
Perfect weather again for flying however, as usual, performances were
adversely affected by lack of recent competition in this event. We
started with four contestants Ian Dixon, Greg McLure, Hans Van Leeuwen
and me, of these only Hans and I managed to put in three flights. Ian
had ignition problems and was unable to fly whilst Greg who looked a
certain winner after the first round had the misfortune to have a wing
fold in flight in the second round, ending his competition. Hans' engine
wasn't performing up to par hence the less than usual scores and whilst
my model was out of trim I managed enough time to win. A result Steven
Bradbury would have been proud of!
Results were:
Model Engine Total
Rod McDonald Cumulus Atwood Champion GD
301 438 312 1041
Hans Van Leeuwen RC-1 O&R 60 Small Port
333 295 352 980
Greg McLure Bantam Mills 1.3
552 552
The next event is OT Duration and 2cc previously postponed and now
scheduled for next Sunday June 20. The forecast looks reasonable at this
early stage so hopefully we can get a good turnout. Hope to see you
7/6/2021 Free Flight Slow Open Power and Nostalgia
We had an unusually good turnout for these events on Sunday and Slow
open Power at least was flown in ideal conditions with three minute
maxes landing well within the field. Nostalgia wasn't so fortunate since
the wind arrived almost as the last flights in Slop landed. In an effort
contain flights within the field we reduced the max to two minutes for
this event, however in the end the wind won and everybody except Phil
gave up after one flight.
Clear winner in both events was Phil Letchford who showed the benefit of
having well trimmed models, something most of the rest of us couldn't
Results were:
Phil Letchford 170 180 180
Noel Macmillan 165 171 153 489
Rod McDonald 73 180 180 433
Ian Dixon 28 157 145
Greg McClure 50 72 85
Phil Letchford 107 60 120
Greg McClure 119
Rod McDonald 74
The next event is Antique 38, scheduled for next Sunday. Weather at this
stage looks a bit windy but should be flyable if it doesn't worsen.